MapleStory Bingo Game
A bingo minigame for the 17th anniversary MapleStory event
Date: 30 July 2022 - 1 August 2022 (2 days)
NOTE: Putting this here because it’s my first client project, even though its a bit simple.
Before polytechnic, I self-learnt some Swift and was offered to freelance a bingo game for a MapleStory event. It was offered by my father who was an designer there. I struggled quite a bit as it was my first client project with only basic programming knowledge. I was able to release it to the iPad using Testflight and shared it to them. Sadly, I have lost the source code and the build.
A few years later, after I graduated from polytechnic, they offered to make another bingo minigame, with updated assets. I accepted and this was the game. With stronger programming knowledge, I was able to make a build in 2 days and uploaded it to where they can easily play.
Here’s the version with new build:
Note that it wasn’t built to be played in a small window. Recommended to either play in fullscreen or try it on
A video from event from MapleStory:
It’s a simple game which does:
- A button, which when clicked
- Cycle through characters that haven’t been chosen
- Set the chosen character to the grid
- Display a mini-celebration whenever someone wins (BINGO!)
- Repeat until the board is filled