Sentient Buffet

This game was for Brackeys Game Jam 2022.2. Theme is You’re not alone

Game Description

As a world renown chef, you can sometimes find yourself wandering the forest in search of ingredients. However, one day, in a route where you would normally be alone, you find yourself swarmed by living food that begin to attack you. Fight them off, and then cook them for stat buffs to help you venture further into the forest.

Main Features that I did:

  • Highly Customisable Character Movement script:
    • I did the behaviours and the designer and artist changed the parameters like the speed / jump height
    • The greyed out elements calculated based on the other variables.
    • Editor: Character Movement Editor
  • Dialogue System:
    • Designer gave the character dialogue script in a design document and I implemented it.
    • Note: Trying to convert the editor UI to UI toolkit to learn UI Toolkit and make it reusable in the future. GitHub Link
  • Inventory and Cooking
    • Cooking UI: Cooking UI

Problems faced and how I faced it

  • Programmer delaying on doing Player Movement
    • One of the programmers was supposed to do some features including shaders and player movement. But by the 4th day, in a 7 day jam, he still haven’t started on the player movement which was quite worrying
    • So after discussing with the team, we decided that I had to takeover the player movement as it was delaying other features like level design. But it caused me needing to cut some features for the dialogue system.
    • Having played some games and really disliking the movement, I wanted it to have at least some features like Coyote Time (Allowing players to jump a few seconds after leaving a platform) and Jump Buffers (Allowing players to press the queue the jump a few seconds before touching the ground).
  • Some problems that I caused and things to improve next time:
    • Not having a good microphone and ended in typing most of the time, causing delaying time when in conversations, especially when everyone else in the group is in a call.
    • Overestimated my ability and gave a bad estimate on how fast a feature would be completed. Ended up in cutting features and didn’t have enough time to remove most of the bugs.